Review of New Zealand’s ASEAN FTA OCT 25, 2016 Consultation on ASEAN Australia New Zealand Free Trade Agreement.
Meeting notes for Hearings Technical Focus Group OCT 21, 2016 The IPONZ hearings technical focus group meeting notes are now available online.
IPONZ closed for Labour Day – 24 October 2016 OCT 17, 2016 IPONZ’s office will be closed for business on Labour Day, Monday, 24 October 2016.
Upcoming scheduled online service maintenance OCT 7, 2016 IPONZ online services will be unavailable from 5:00am on Saturday, 15 October 2016 to 6:00pm on Sunday, 16 October 2016 NZDT.
Decisions of the Commissioner - September 2016 OCT 7, 2016 Decisions of the Commissioner issued in September are now available online. Select the links to see the decisions.
New dates added to Taking Care of Business roadshow SEPT 23, 2016 In response to popular demand, the Taking Care of Business roadshow will host five additional events between October and November 2016.
Start of Daylight Saving Time SEPT 19, 2016 Daylight Saving Time will commence in New Zealand on Sunday, 25 September 2016.
Public submissions invited on transitional provisions of the Patents Act SEPT 16, 2016 Consultation on proposed amendments to transitional provisions of the Patents Act 2013 relating to divisional patent applications.