Creative Sector workshops

Creative Sector workshops

Are you or your clients in the creative sector? If so, you might be interested in attending workshops on the role of copyright and designs in the creative sector.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is undertaking a study to gain a better understanding of the creative sector and how it interacts with the copyright and designs regimes. Having completed the first stage of the study, involving targeted face to face interviews with sector participants, the Ministry is seeking to test what they have heard through workshops. The creative sector includes those involved in producing interactive games, software, publishing, music and film / TV, architecture and product design and other visual arts.

This is an opportunity to have your say and help to shape the government’s understanding of the way that creative works are being created and disseminated, and how creators are thinking about monetising and protecting their works in this rapidly changing technological environment. The workshops are open to anyone who is interested in attending.

Auckland workshop – 1.30pm – 5.00pm, Tuesday 12 July 2016

Wellington workshop – 1.00pm – 4.30pm, Friday 15 July 2016

More information on the study can be found on MBIE's website. If you’re interested in attending, please register by 5 July 2016 on Eventbrite's website.

Email if you have any questions.

Published on June 28, 2016